Discover wisdom, inspiration, and thought-provoking insights in this handpicked collection of quotes.
Read on to experience the power of words that have touched the hearts and minds of readers worldwide.
“Brooding about the past that cannot be changed denies you the opportunity to take advantage of the present and make changes that you can in the future.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A well informed and educated society demands the authority to control the government. A well indoctrinated and gullible society relinquishes authority and lets the government control it.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The job an individual seeks is often a subordinate expression of him.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“It is far easier to have the miss-informed and ill-educated masses fight for evil causes by spewing out hatred than have those listen to logical reasoning.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When criminal entities corrupt Free Enterprise and aggressive but fair competition in business Capitalism will seize and fall victim to Totalitarianism and Socialism.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The job an individual seeks is often a subordinate expression of him.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“It is far easier to have the miss-informed and ill-educated masses fight for evil causes by spewing out hatred than have those listen to logical reasoning.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Changing history is like telling your bank to change the amount of your account to fit what you want it to be.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The words of a hypocrite are accepted by the gullible and considered an unavoidable necessity. The ignorant believe lies and question the truth. A person exposing the sinister truth is chastised and the words a conspiracy.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Listen to the voices of the dissidents to measure the value of your policies.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The quality of a society is indicated by the leaders it elects to represent it.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“We only have to look at TV and Film to notice the government’s deceitful objective to gradually transform us into an obedient society.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Just because you feel like an Opera-singer while singing in the shower you are still the same when you step out, only wetter.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“How can we fully comprehend time and space travel if we restrict speed at the Speed of Light?”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A child raised without consequences for wrongdoing is prone to adopt a lifestyle that defies Law and Order.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“You may have to fight the dangerous elements of a storm to gain your Freedom but swim through shark infested waters without a life-vest to get it back once you have lost it.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A person not taught to seek the truth will not know it and is prone to accept a lie as truth.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The longer the majority fails to oppose the insanity of the small minority the sooner it will regret its silence.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When family unity fails to exist, the fall of a nation will follow.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Somewhere between judgment by the victor and the reason for the war given by the looser lies the truth.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Only Death is the eventual and real winner in war and Humanity the perpetual looser.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The dangerous warning signs of today are the blueprints of the future.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The vision of the future is predicated on the ignorant and gullible masses of the present which is tarnished by the deliberate misconception and falsification of the past.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The First Amendment allows us to expose the government’s sinister truth. Abolishing it allows the government to hide it and fit us for a Brank.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The Second Amendment guarantees our freedom from government oppression and control. Its removal guarantees government bondage.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Not too long ago Law Enforcement could stop and ask Terry where he was going. Now Terry tells Law Enforcement where to go.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Growing up during the 50’s and early 60’s in this country was living a dream in reality. Growing up now is living the reality of a nightmare.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Rejoice in the memories of the pleasures the past brings back to you. Don’t dwell on the pain and hardship that you may have to suffer; you cannot change what has already been.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The book of your past may be forgotten and hidden by time. But you may live the moment of humor if you allow your thoughts to rediscover its pages.
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Education by the state is the indoctrination of the gullible and ill-informed masses to be obedient, dependent on the state and subservient to the elite.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Have we reached the point of total insanity when we no longer hesitate to question the existence of God and the truth of the Bible, yet are willing to accept the absolute absurdity that feelings overrule biology? When the obvious hypocrisy in the application of the law is excused as necessary expedience and a serious wrong committed a minor faux pas is considered the new norm? When corruption has simply become an unavoidable fact of life and a lie appropriate or even necessary under certain circumstances? When marriage and the nuclear family are viewed as too old fashioned and even a hindrance? When we forget that we fought a war to achieve freedom and an oppressive government, yet determined to turn our control over to the government?”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“History proves that a well educated and organized society will not allow its power to control the government to be usurped by the state, while poorly educated masses fall victim to the evil hidden truth and eventual bondage. In its sinister attempt to achieve total authority and teach only what the state deems necessary the voices of objecting parents are silenced by force. In its sinister attempt to dominate education the easily persuaded young minds are manipulated and indoctrinated to believe that everybody is equal and a winner. Individual drive for personal achievement is no longer taught or even mentioned because it would expose the absolute absurdity of such nonsense. Former well established and followed standards are considered outdated, detrimental and expunged. An obscene perverted fabrication by a nauseous small minority has been accepted as today’s norm that renders an entirely new meaning to sex and age.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The longer the majority remains quiet the louder the voices of the nihilist minority will be heard. The longer we allow to be coerced and accept the obfuscation of insane laws, allow corruption and false promises to lead us the sooner our freedom will be shackled. The longer we are willing to follow the pernicious ways of modernity and discard our faith in God the sooner we blindly follow the road leading to Armageddon.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“White Privilege is a misnomer that hides the truth of self-respect, obeying the law and the desire to achieve despite adversity. Critical Race Theory is a folly that defies logic and an intellectual insult designed to create contention among the masses. Racism is a nefarious catchall pontificated on the gullible masses to curtail Free Speech and tighten government bondage.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Only those who are committed are willing to endure the arduous task of seeking the real truth, hidden far and wide like the unending horizon, the sands of the desserts and the depths of the oceans.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“You can neither understand the Zeitgeist of a bygone era by judging it with the present nor demand punishment of the innocent for the misdeeds of the past.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Bahai – a nonsensical Yin and Yang baha created by intellectually confused and misguided minds in an attempt to placate the multitude of believers in a ridiculous effort to contribute to world peace.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“If you represent a positive example of what and who you are in word and deed, then you can demand others to follow.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Demanding implementation of Diversity contradicts human nature, violates common sense, logical reasoning and will eventually destroy a stable society.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Critical Race Theory is a deceptive concoction in term used by an authoritative government to undermine the existing racial harmony in order to control the masses.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Since history is written by the victor we should also listen to the voices of the vanquished because somewhere in-between lies the truth.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The passive resistance to the double standard of justice by the ill-informed and ill-educated masses is gradually placing a Brank on the voices of those who dare to expose the hypocrisy of the corrupt duel Justice System and demand equality for everyone under the law.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A familiarity with the ‘Communist Manifesto’ will enable you to read the present danger signs of our destiny; eventual total government control and loss of freedom.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Demanding the majority to adhere to the dictates and policies of the minority is not equality.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A well-informed society exposes the sinister deception of government and takes the offensive on high grounds. Only a weak and gullible society submits to the demands of the Progressive minority.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Strong and well informed people control the government while gullible and ill-informed are controlled by the government.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“If government overreach is not stopped by the people at the inception it will overreach the people at the end.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Instead of learning from history, the Left simply re-writes it and arrogantly blames natural weather changes on Global Warming in its double entendre to outsmart Mother Nature.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When the state is no longer dependent on the people and the people have become dependent on the state, the cabal of evil intellectuals have gained the ultimate seat of power and robbed you of yours.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Are we becoming a nation of sociopaths and idiots who allow to be governed by hypocrisy and corruption? We demand equality without making an effort to succeed and accuse others for our shortcomings. We enforce ridicules and idiotic policies created by self-serving morons.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Real control of a government is hidden behind the curtain of a marionette show manipulating the strings of incompetent, corrupt and sycophant Hampelmänner.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When ‘Freedom of Speech’ has been reclassified as ‘Hate Speech’ and the weapons of law abiding citizens have been confiscated society will be put in bondage.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Even well written laws intended to benefit the people will fall victim to the faux side of unpredictable human nature.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The absurdity of ‘Critical Race Theory’ defies reality, denies history and insults people of color who possess the individual drive and tenacity to conquer adversity. Success or failure is neither the fault of others nor dependent on the color of your skin but determined by your intellect and willingness to hurdle obstacles in your way.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Demanding enforcement of imbecilic laws that claim to create harmonious coexistence insults the intellect of society and violates human nature which seeks association with likeminded people; irrespective of race, color, creed, ethnicity or national origin.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The Progressive Movement and the creation of a modernity society hide the sinister truth, that in the end will destroy the self-worth feelings of not only individuals but eventually of all societies.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Democracy is an ideal, a duality of perception and its validity questioned by Plato and John Adams who had doubts about the common people’s capability to manage their government. It is demanded as a legal right by the people and despised by the wealthy and select ruling elite whose dubious ascend to power and authority is seriously challenged by those who are oppressed and exploited by the cabal.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The enormity of money spent running for public office makes eventual government takeover by big business and the select wealthy inevitable.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The Truth is a double edged sword that may hurt the ill-informed, be a relief for the forthright and infuriate those in high places; the pathological liars living a double life.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The agentur of the Left do not lie timidly but lie like the Devil to deceive the masses into putting them into office. Then do the direct opposite of all they promised without any consequence.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Is Political Freedom in reality a sinister tool, bait on the hook to attract the masses to destroy established norms and authority and remove obstacles that stand in the way to achieve ultimate control over them?”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The dangerous and perverted philosophy of the Left is a cold war between sanity and insanity; heated by the ill-educated and gullible masses.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Equality is a deceptive term and dangerous illusion used by the select elite to control the masses.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A nation that continues to sleep in a dream-world will one day be rudely awakened by the reality of a horrible nightmare.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When the leaders of a nation acquiesce to the demands of a small minority, pass insane laws to appease it, muzzle the objecting voices of the majority society has been robbed of its freedom.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Strict Traffic laws – over 6 million car accidents per year with over 38,000 resulting in fatalities prove the hypocrisy of stricter gun laws.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Just because others do not feel your pain when you feel like you have reached the end and are annoyed by words of sincere compassion, you are not the first and will never be the only one. In your vain attempt to desperately reconstruct and change the past and refuse to admit that it was a one-sided affair, humble yourself and submit to God’s Devine guidance.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Don’t dwell on the past that you cannot change and agonize over the mistakes that you made but have faith in God and the future to help you interpret the present and learn from the flaws of your ways.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The craving for authority and the subordination of others to satisfy the greed for power is hidden in the sham of alleged equality, orchestrated by the select few who themselves deny the existence of a Divine Authority over them.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A nation that obeys God’s laws will invoke His blessings, while a nation that breaks God’s laws will experience His wrath.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Those that do not accept the truth of God’s existence put their faith in computer generated programs and science interpretations.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The origin of life cannot be explained without Devine Intervention.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“When people deny the existence of Christ or the value of the nuclear family, turn lies into truth, allow corruption and incompetence to lead them, mock the sanctity of marriage but accept an androgynous society, create laws laced with insanity for the sake of equality – we have reached the Rubicon.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Our wicket and evil ways, the defiance of Devine Creation by androgynous segments of our society will soon reach the limits of God Almighty’s patience.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“We deny Devine Creation and question the existence of God but accept the evolution of a suddenly appearing life-form; yet we create Artificial Intelligence and play our own God.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The farther you walk away from God the closer you walk to your end.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The Bible is like a complex problem that may not be solved unless you fully understand the formula. The Bible may remain a myth unless you fully accept the existence of God in your heart.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Life itself is the greatest wonder of God’s creations and without God in it your life merely an existence.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The absence of God in your life is the devil’s welcome-mat.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior is a life-altering experience that is only understood by those who have.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“It is written that the End Time will be like in the days of Noah. Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) our ‘Tower of Babel’?”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“We are only born equal as Human Beings and not equal again until death. What we chose to do with our lives is up to each individual. Don’t blame others if you accept failure or forget to thank God for your success.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Jesus asks you to follow Him and let Him lead the way. The Devil entices you to let him lead you astray.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The choice is yours but the final decision is made by God.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“True pleasure in life is a strong faith and trust in God and the strength to hurdle the Devil’s obstacles thrown your way.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“A rich man who doesn’t believe in God while on earth will be a tormented pauper in hell.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“In the end it will depend on how well you prepared to pass God’s final exam.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Life is the totality of all things, a perfection of Devine Creation that contradicts the grotesquerie of Darwinism.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Never feel too haughty to bow your head or too proud to bend your knees, when the chips are down only GOD can save you.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“God may change things to answer your prayers but never His promises and prophecies.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“In your battle to expose lies and deception let God be your shield, truth be your armor and facts be your unsheathed sword.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“GOD – the four seasons of your day.
He is the Spring when you rise and start your day.
He is the Summer when you labor during the day.
He is the Fall when you relax at the end of the day.
He is the Winter when you thank Him for a blessed day.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Raise a strong foundation here on earth and God will build your mansion on it in heaven.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“GOD – the four seasons of your day.
He is the Spring when you rise and start your day.
He is the Summer when you labor during the day.
He is the Fall when you relax at the end of the day.
He is the Winter when you thank Him for a blessed day.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“The mantra of today is that you can be anything but God who is gradually being erased and replaced by an arrogant, defiant and superior feeling human race. Truth vs. false depends on interpretation and lies are accepted as a part of life. For the sake of equity the majority is forced to adhere to the demands of the minority. Logical reasoning is abandoned, computerized forecasts predicting the impossibility of nature’s actions is accepted as valid. Becoming slaves to modern technology is unavoidable and corruption is considered a part of the deal. Ill informed, gullible masses blindly obey moronic policies and choose to put their faith of the future in Artificial Intelligence.”
– Rolf J. Pröpper Wysock
“Your success depends on your determination to keep going despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds and a strong faith in God.”