After relating my extremely unusual story to others of what I experienced growing up in Germany during the last years of WWII and the decade after, I was highly encouraged that I absolutely needed to write a book. Several persons even claimed that I not only owed to myself but to society as well. Upon returning state site I decided, after almost 16 years of teaching at a local college, to retire and devote my energy writing my book “Looking Back”. Although my life as a whole was immensely different, many other children at the time endured similar hardship and experiences. I wanted the reader to understand what it was really like, the struggle for survival, the tremendous suffering, the tragedy, the volumes of tears shed, the faith in God and a determination to succeed despite seemingly insurmountable odds. In essence what it was like on the losing side and innocent civilians as well as guilt on both sides and sincerely hope that readers keep a logical, open and unbiased mind. Common sense is often a curse for those who have it when confronted by those who do not possess it.
I consider myself blessed for having been raised by what would be considered by today’s standards an extremely harsh taskmaster; yet I love and respect my paternal grandfather to this day. It is because of him that I was able to overcome the tremendous adversity that I had to face at age 13 when forced into very early adulthood. I wrote the book to prove that success is only limited by your lack of determination and a strong faith in God Almighty. It has been my lifelong policy to practice what my grandfather taught me to always tell the truth, be frank, honest and right to the point answering a question. I reportedly have gained the reputation if you don’t want to hear the truth not to ask me. What I hope to show the reader is that there are indeed two sides to a story. I also want to point out that history is most often written by the victor and therefore not forget to listen to the voices of the vanquished.